Youth site launched, TXP magazine
It's been awhile since I updated the news on this site. Contrary to popular belief, that is not because nothing has been going on, but because I've been so busy I haven't made time to blog. I recently finished working on a website for a friend who is the youth pastor at his church.
TXP Magazine Listing
I noticed recently that has been added to the list of well-designed websites in TXP Magazine, an online publication that covers web standards / design as well as the popular content management system Textpattern. SonSpring is listed under the United States category, in no particular order, as the listing shuffles randomly by country each time the page loads. You can check it out here…
Christianity Today
Speaking of magazines, the April issue of Christianity Today has a headline that reads All Churches Should Be Multiracial. I couldn't agree more. I'm a half-Japanese American married to a Russian Estonian, and we worship in downtown Lexington at The Rock / La Roca UMC, a church that has a large Spanish speaking population. That's what I call modeling the Kingdom, where many facets of God's many children are represented. Here's an excerpt from the article…
If we claim to follow Jesus Christ and to have inherited the gospel of the first-century church, we contend that our present-day congregations should exhibit the same vision for and characteristics of those first Christian communities of faith.
Back to the Grindstone
Spring break was last week, and it was nice and relaxing. I was able to catch up on a lot of website projects I'd been hired to do, and have recently taken on a few more. I bought the DVD box set of the 2004-05 season of Law & Order: SVU, and we went through 25 episodes in about 2 weeks. There's nothing quite like watching Ice-T break down doors, calling bad guys "perps."