New designs
Well, as you've probably noticed, this site looks a whole lot different. I just got done redesigning it. Hopefully you'll find it a bit more concise, and easier to navigate. This design also makes it alot easier for me to make updates to my Blog, which if you don't know is short for web-log (basically an online journal). I've redone Takimoto's for users who have a 1024x768 resolution or higher. If you don't, then it's time to get a new monitor!
Anyways, life has been hectic, but rewarding. I made it through midterms, having two tests back to back one week, and a sermon on the following week. I would've posted my sermon notes, but I preached without them, to try to get better at being free from reading straight off the paper. I'd say it had mixed results! But seriously, I think I'm getting better at preaching, albeit slowly.
I've been doing quite a bit of design work lately, launching a bi-lingual website for my church, The Rock / La Roca UMC. I am also working on a professional photography website for a friend of mine, Natalie Hagen. She does most of Asbury Seminary's wedding photos, and has a really great portfolio. I think that's about all I've got to say right now, so go check out these sites…