Resources > SoftwareI do most of my day-to-day development work on a Xeon powered Windows workstation with Ubuntu and WSL. I also occasionally use a MacBook Pro. Here is a list of the various apps that I like.AcornAffinity SuiteAlfredAppZapperBillingsCharlesDivvyDocker - desktop appDropboxFantasticalFigmaFirefox - Page InspectorFirefox - HTML ValidatorFirefox - Web DeveloperGitHub - desktop appChrome - GoFullPageChrome - LighthouseImageOptimiMovieInkScapeiTerm2KeynoteLibreOfficeLittle SnitchMAMP ProNotepad++OmniGraffle ProPhotoshopPostman - desktop appQueriousSequel ProSketchSmartGitSublime MergeSublime TextSuperDuperTextWranglerTransmitVirtualBoxVisual Studio CodeWinSCPxScope