Textpattern 4 & hosting changes
So, as of yesterday, Textpattern has officially gone "stable" and is now flying under the 4.0 flag. What does this mean to you as an average user? Absolutely nothing. What does this mean to those of you who are geeks? You can now download and install Textpattern with the peace of mind that what you are installing is a workable, bug-free content management system.
You should also be aware that they have changed the subversion repository to:
Basically, since it's now a stable release, they won't be doing nightly builds at the old location, but will be putting them in the new directory. I'm assuming this is to sort of provide a roll-back point if need be, while forging ahead with the new version number.
I'm pretty psyched about the new features, but won't list them all here since you can just go over to Textpattern.com to read more about the changes. I am going to be switching to a new host/server soon, in order to take more advantage of what Textpattern 4.0 has to offer. Currently, I'm hosted with 1and1.com on their Pro Preview package, which has been free for the past few years. While you can't be the price, I have found that the features of 1and1 have been somewhat disappointing. The biggest drawback is that you are only allotted one MySQL database, meaning that of all the domains hosted with them, only one of them can run any type of dynamic CMS or forum.
So, I'm switching to DreamHost to take advantage of their unlimited MySQL database creation, so that I can start learning cool stuff like Ruby on Rails. I feel like 1and1 has been good while it lasted, and even helped me get my business up and running, but it's like Anakin said of Obi-Wan "He's holding me back!" Tired of the limitations of the free hosting package, I am going to the "dark side" so to speak, so that my raw ambition of learning new web-related stuff can be satisfied. So, in the interest of progress, you may see some funky things happening around this site as I make the hosting transition.