Pre-marriage counseling
Wow, it's been about a month since I last posted. A lot has been going on lately. On the weekends of February 14th and March 5th, Olga and I attended a Preparing for Marriage Workshop. It was really cool, because we got to hear all about different personality types, and how to deal with conflicts, etc.
We also had the coolest marriage counselors, a retired couple in their early 70s that had a lot of life experience and wisdom to share with us. They told us that they'd like to be our adopted grandparents, though they jokingly said we won't get any money from their will. They were just such a great couple to talk to, I'm looking forward to getting to know them better in the future.
On Sunday, Olga and I finally saw The Passion of Christ. It was really good. We got to do that and eat for free at Rafferty's Restaurant, because we won coupons at the premarriage retreat for being from the furthest away (USA & Estonia). It was a great evening, we felt like God gave us a little blessing, in allowing for us to have a really nice meal together to celebrate Olga's birthday.
On another, academic note, I'm really liking my classes thus far. I have Method & Praxis, Exegesis on Gospel of Mark, and Church History 1. I like my professors a lot, which often times makes the difference in whether or not you like the class. Sometimes the material is interesting, but the professor is not, or vice versa. But in this case, all of the professors are cool, and the material is pretty interesting too. I'd have to say that my favorite class is my Mark class, because the professor is a new PhD and has some fresh approaches to teaching, plus who doesn't like learning more about the gospels?
I guess that's all to report for now. Out!