Ring in the new year

Well, Olga and I made it back to Kentucky alive, so that's good. Although, it's been a rough new year so far. I caught a bug from Olga which she got from my sister when we were visiting my family in Washington. So, on the plane ride back, I had this horrible sharp pain in my ears because of sinus congestion and pressure differences as we were landing. I got some anti-biotics last Wednesday for a strep/sinus infection combo, and am feeling much better.

No sooner had I got back to work from the doctor's office than Olga called me and told me she had fallen at work. She was attempting to reach a box located on top of a tall shelf, and fell from where she was, breaking her fall with her right hand, and in turn breaking her wrist. So, we spent the latter part of last week getting her taken care of. She's now got a cast up to her arm-pit, which I thought to be a little over-kill considering it's just a tiny break near her thumb. But oh well, such is life - When it rains, it pours.

On an up note, we moved into our new place on Saturday, and we're loving it. It's considerably bigger than our old apartment, 2 bedrooms, nice spacious kitchen, and all-wood floors. That was the selling point for me, because in our old place there was old, dingy carpet and there was a false-celing with paneling (assuming for sound insulation). Above that paneling was who knows what, and a lot of mold, which killed my allergies. Comparatively, the new place is like a breath of fresh air.

So, here's to hoping the rest of this 2005 year will be a little better than how it's started. My New Year's resolution? = 1280x960.